How to Create Google Form

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Creating a Google Form is relatively straightforward. Here are the steps:

    1. Go to Google Forms: Open a web browser and go to Google Forms ( Sign in to your Google account if you haven’t already.


    1. Choose a template (Optional): You can start with a template or create a blank form. Google offers various templates, such as surveys, questionnaires, event registration, feedback, and more.


    1. Create your form: Customize the form as per your requirements. Add questions, sections, and other form elements such as images, videos, and multiple-choice options. You can also set up conditional logic to display specific questions based on a user’s response.


    1. Configure form settings: Configure settings such as the form title, description, and response options. You can choose to collect email addresses, limit responses, and set up notifications.


    1. Preview your form: Once you’ve created your form, click the preview button to view it as your users would see it.


    1. Share your form: After previewing your form, you can share it with others. You can share it by sending a link, embedding it on your website, or emailing it to your intended audience.


That’s it! You have successfully created a Google Form.


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